End of Service remuneration
i worked for a company since May 2014. I returned from my annual vacation and joined duties on 15-08-2015. On 20-08-2015 my boss initiated me to resign and i did so. He instructed that i need not attend the office from then on and my end of services will be deposited to my bank account. I told him that he should give this instruction in writing as i sensed that he would not pay me anything on pretext that i did not completed 3 months attendance after resignation.
Please advise me of this situation and how much should i get since i resign.
 Views: 1272
End of Service remuneration
Answers (1)
7 years ago
For anyone who needs a financing to make a purchase: From home, car, for the creation of a business, for personal needs, more doubt. We allocate personal credits from 5000 KWD to 900,000 KWD at a nominal interest rate of 3%. If you are in need please contact us by email for more information: contact
Do you need a credit?

I'm waiting for your urgent mail to answer
Thank you.

E-mail addresses: [email protected]

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